I love to define my work in the balance between art and design.

My work aims to create objects to wear, mainly the result of intuitions and ideas that I realize with specific skills acquired over years of experience in the jewellery industry.

Attentive to contemporary aspects, ranging from artisan techniques to industrial technologies, I have carried out an in-depth research on different, precious and alternative materials, not only metals but also wood, plastic, paper, wax and edible substances such as chocolate, ice and snow.
My cooperations with companies that create precious goods (as a designer, modeller and consultant) is the field of concreteness and rationality, where the ingredients are professionalism, competence, and knowledge and there’s only a small need of fantasy.

My passion is to explore new possibilities, to work freely, in the field of experimentation and research where creativity spreads to create my jewellery collections, such as the “families” of rings and the investigation into silver necklaces (chains).

My jewellery making has led me to make jewellery to wear, which, although exuberant in shape and size take into account ergonomics and wearability (deinos rings, blob rings, ondina infinita…) but also to explore different shapes, materials and paths, designs that have been called ephemeral but that I prefer to define changing designs (bijoux-chocolat,, candycandles…)

After graduating from the Accademia di Belle Arti in Venice, I was living in Vicenza, one of the most important centres in Italy for the production of goldsmith. Therefore, I thought there could be room for a profession where I could express my creativity.

I started as an explorer, both in the field of industrial design and dedicating myself to artistic experimentation, already full of great creative energy, bringing to the world of jewellery many ideas and my freedom of thought.

It was a question of constructing sculptures, three-dimensional objects of small dimensions on which great attention needed to be paid and which would be worn in close relation to the body.


Museo degli Argenti, Palazzo Pitti, Florence (I)
Museo d’Arti Applicate e Decorative, Palazzo Zuckermann, Padua (I)
Museo della Città e del Territorio, Monsummano Terme, Pistoia (I)
Museo Casabianca, Malo, Vicenza (I)
Collezione Permanente della Triennale di Milano (I)
Alliage Collection at The Museum Espace Solidor at Cagnes-sur-Mer (F)
The Alice and Louis Koch Collection at the Swiss National Museum, Zurich. (CH)


Fleiss Collection, Paris (F)

EXHIBITIONS - selection

Hoazin: tra cielo e terra, Teatro Ossero, Treviso (I) (27-28 January) –solo exhibition
Design Gallery, Orogemma, fair, Vicenza (I) (15-19 September)

Modi, modelli e mode, istallazioni d’artista, Reggia Carraresi, Padova (I) (5-13 July)
Design Gallery: for man, Vicenzaoro 1, fair, Vicenza (I) (13-20 January)

Der schmuck: von der seele zur materie, Goldschmiedeschule mit uhrmacherschule, Pforzheim (D) (18 March-2 April)
Fedi, anelli e pegni d’amore, Proforma Gallery Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza) (I) (16 October-14 November)

Ornamenti Corporei: proposte per una nuova estetica dell’adornarsi, Cheiros Gallery, Vicenza (I) (8-30 May)

Artisti a Pordenone: II mostra d’arte contemporanea, fair, Pordenone (I) (6-9 May)

Vicenza Arte ’95, fair, Vicenza (I) (18-26 February)

Fantasy jewellery, plastic jewellery… Studio GR20 Gallery, Padova (I) (10-22 December)

Enjoia’t: diferents joiers, Museu Tèxtil i de la Indumentària, Barcelona (E) (21 April-4 May)
Blumen in schmuck, edited by V&V Gallery, Burg Wels, Wels (A) (18 April-26 October)

Blumen in schmuck, travelling exhibition: municipal Museum, Györ (H) (March-April); Cebra Gallery, Düsseldorf (D) (13 June-25 August); Schönbrunn Castle, Wien (A) (16 October-28 November)

Inhorgenta Munchen 99, Design Halle, Fair, Munchen, Germania (26 February-1 March)

Designer orafi di scuola veneta, Villa Sesso Schiavo, Sandrigo, Vicenza (I) (8-15 June)
Mutazioni di lumingioia, Marijke Studio, Padova (I) (10 November-20 December)

Presenze femminili nell’arte, nella letteratura, nella società attraverso il tempo, LAMeC-Basilica Palladiana, Vicenza (I) (7 March-21 April)
Food Design 2, edited by OneOff, OneOff Gallery, Torino (I) (29 May)

CioccolaTO’, edited by OneOff, OneOff Gallery, Torino (I) (14 March)
Borsa Valori, Salone degli Zavatteri-Basilica Palladiana, Vicenza (I) (8 July-1 August)
Food Design3, edited by OneOff, Terrazza Regione Piemonte –Salone del Gusto –Lingotto, Turin (I) (21-25 October)

De rebus naturae – flora e fauna nel gioiello di ricerca, Art Gallery, Florence (I) (15 December 2005-8 January 2006)

4 pontos de contacto entre Lisboa e Roma, Joalharia Contemporânea Italiana em Lisboa, Tereza Seabra-Jóias de Autor Gallery, Lisboa (P) (27 October-19 November)
Stardust, Galleria Comunale d’Arte Contemporanea, Monfalcone, Gorizia (I) (10-21 November)
Colorful Jewels – Barbara Uderzo’s Jewels, Pron Art&Design Gallery, Turin (7 May-10 June) –solo exhibition
Barbara Uderzo – blob rings et autres bijoux, La Galerie Italienne, Parigi (F) (5 October-3 November) –solo exhibition
Joel Stein / Barbara Uderzo, Valmore studio d’arte, Vicenza (I) (24 November 2006-10 February 2007)

The new italian design–il paesaggio mobile del nuovo design italiano, La Triennale, Milan (I) (19 January-25 April); Consolato Italiano, Madrid (E) (16 May-3 September) -ideation and coordination by S.Annichiarico, curated by A.Branzi
Art&Art, Torre campanaria del Duomo, Vicenza (I) (29 September-7 October)
Gioielli Contemporanei, saletta caffè Tergesteo, Trieste (I) (1-4 November)
Barbara Uderzo for two, Agarthi Gallery, Treviso (I) (3 February-3 March) –solo exhibition
PechaKuchaNight, bathing establishment terrace Ausonia, Trieste (I) (15 July)
Projection of the video FREE.ZERO and meeting with the artist, curated by S. Lunginbuhl, presentation by L.Billo, FRONTE DEL PORTO FILMCLUB- Cinema Hall of the 4 South-East District, Padova (I) (13 November)

Gioiello italiano contemporaneo, curated by Alba Cappellieri, palazzo Valmarana Braga, Vicenza (I) (13 January-2 March); Castello Sforzesco, Milan (I) (27 March-18 April); Kunstgewerbemuseum-Museo delle Arti Decorative, Berlin (D) (9 July-5 October); Museo Accorsi, Museo delle Arti Decorative, Turin (29 October-11 January 2009)
Collect – The International Art Fair for Contemporary Objects, with Alternative Gallery, Victoria & Albert Museum, London (UK) (25-29 Gennaio)
D come Design, Museo di Scienze Naturali, Turin (I) (7 March-27 April)
Papierschmuck, Austrian Papermuseum-Papiermachermuseum, Steyrermühl (A) (6 June 2008-2 November 2008); V&V gallery, Wien (A) (11 April-24 May 2008); Apex gallery, Hopfgarten (A) (November 2008-3 January 2009)
Precious and delicious, Venetian Resort Hotel Casino, JCK, Las Vegas (USA) (31 June-1 September), Hong Kong (RPC) (15-20 September)
Filorosso-Gioiello contemporaneo. Biennale del Gioiello contemporaneo. Museo d’Arte Moderna “Ugo Carà”, Muggia (TS) (I) (20 June-22 July)
New Play in Art –Il Gioiello Inaspettato, Giardino Fondazione André Heller, Gardone Riviera (Brescia) (I) (7 September-5 October)
Bijoux-chocolat di Barbara Uderzo, Museo del Territorio, Monsummano Terme, Pistoia (I) (1 February-30 March) –solo exhibition
Macef– design club, fieramilano/Rho, Milano (I) (18-21 January)
Contemporary Jewelry in Stark, stazione Humboldt, Berlin (D) (18-21 July)
Choice –glamroom, fair, Vicenza (I) (6-10 September)
Macef -design club, fieramilano/Rho, Milano (I) (5-8 September)

Il bello è il buono -Mangiarte, Armory Gallery, Perugia (I) (30 May-18 July)
Rose, purezza e passione nell’arte dal Quattrocento a oggi, Il Filatoio, Caraglio (Cuneo) (I) (27 June-25 October)
Gioiellodentro, Bassano del Grappa (Vicenza) (I) (7-17 August)
Gioielli di carta / Paper jewellery, Triennale, Milan (I) (15 September- 25 October)
Il bijoux nel tempo e la ricerca orafa contemporanea, Museo del bijou, Casalmaggiore (CR) (I) (5 October- 8 November)
Forma vs Materia, Cristiani Gallery, Turin (I) (6 November-30 December)
Il segno dei designer, Triennale, Milan (I) (17 December 2009-17 January 2010)
Rings etc. Barbara Uderzo’s jewels, Casa Cogollo del Palladio, Vicenza (I) (21 March-26 April) –solo exhibition
Macef – design club, fieramilano/Rho, Milano (I) (4-7 September)

The Blob House, opening of Barbara Uderzo ‘s studio, Milano (I) (11 December)

Filorosso -II biennale internazionale del gioiello contemporaneo, Museo d’Arte Moderna “Ugo Carà”, Muggia (TS) (I) (4-30 June)
Food Design, Casa Cogollo del Palladio, Vicenza (I) (12 June-18 July)
Titani Preziosi / Precious Titanium, Triennale, Milan (I) (17 June-1 August)
Premio per il gioiello contemporaneo Fondazione Cominelli, Cisano di S.Felice d/B (Brescia) (I) (11 September- 3 October)
Istant Design/capitolo primo: pensieri commestibili, Triennale, Milan (I) (26 October- 14 November)
The New Italian Design, Santralistanbul (Main Gallery), Istanbul (TR) (10 December 2010- 27 January 2011)
Macef– design club, fieramilano/Rho, Milano (I) (15-18 January)
International Jewellery Tokyo, fiera IJT 2010, Tokyo (J) (27-30 January)
Macef– design club, fieramilano/Rho, Milano (I) (9-12 September)

Il futuro nelle mani. Artieri domani, Officine Grandi Riparazioni, a cura del Museo MIAAO,Turin (I) (16 March- 20 November)
Premio Internazionale Mario Pinton -I edizione. Castelli, miniature, astri e alchimia. La Padova carrarese nel gioiello contemporaneo, Oratorio di San Rocco, Padua (I) (14 May-17 July)
Premio Fondazione Cominelli-II edizione, Cisano di S.Felice d/B (Brescia) (I) (10 September- 9 October)
PIN anonimum useless, Lounging Space EXD’11, Lisbon (P) (29 September- 27 November)
Pensieri Preziosi 7, Oratorio di San Rocco, Padua (I) (19 November 2011- 22 January 2012)
Macef– design club, fieramilano/Rho, Milano (I) (8-11 September)
Projection of the video THE BLOB HOUSE and meeting with the artist, curated by S. Lunginbuhl, presentation by L.Billo, FRONTE DEL PORTO FILMCLUB-Cinema Hall of the 4 South-East Distric, Padova (I) (29 March)

International Art & Design Exhibition, Korea (4-9 January)
Protesi Emotive, Spazio Bernardelli, edited by M.Venturini and Maurer Zilioli, Mantova (I) (24-27 May)
Microcosmi preziosi, P.zo Barberini, edited by M.G.Cicala, Rome (I) (29 May- 2 June)
O si è un’opera d’arte o la si indossa, YvonneArteContemporanea Gallery, Vicenza (I) (5 June- 21 July)
Prix européen des arts appliqués, edited by WCC-BF, Mons (B) (14 July- 9 September)
The New Italian Design 2.0, Beijing Industrial Design Center, Pechino (RPC) (27 June- 20 August); National Taiwan Craft Research and Developement Institute di Nantou (Taiwan) (20 September- 20 November)
Menù -Food Design, Casa Cogollo del Palladio, Vicenza (I) (1 October- 18 November)
Macef– design club, fieramilano/Rho, Milano (I) (26–29 January)
Macef– design club, fieramilano/Rho, Milano (I) (6-9 September)

The New Italian Design 2.0, Alhóndiga Bilbao (E) (8 February- 5 May); Cannery Galleries, Academy of Art University, San Francisco (USA) (22 June- 11 August)
Progetto cibo- la forma del gusto, curated by Beppe Finessi, Museo Mart, Rovereto (TN) (I) (9 February- 2 June)
FiloRosso, a cura di Isabella Bembo, Palazzo Manzioli, Izola (Slovenia) (5-24 April)
Gioielloinarte –il preziosismo pittorico di G.Klimt, Università del Nobil Collegio degli Orefici, Rome (I) (25 May- 5 June)
RingParty, Palazzo Cà de Ricchi, Treviso (I) (8-9 June)
FiloRosso x Paris, boutique Aghata Ruiz de la Prada, Paris (F) (20 September – 11 October)
Fantastici!, Galleria Putti, Riga, Lettonia (25 September – 13 October)
International Jewelry Art Biennial, Beijing (Cina) (28 September – 12 October)
Macef– OperaItaliana-MilanoMakers, fieramilano/Rho, Milano (I) (12-15 September)
Le città impresa -mani in pasta, Biblioteca guarneriana, San Daniele del Friuli (I) (11 May)

The New Italian Design 2.0, Centro Cultural La Moneda, Santiago del Cile, Cile (6 December 2013-30 March 2014); The Lookout V&A Waterfront, Cape Town, Sud Africa (5 – 25 ottobre)
Ortinfestival, Reggia di Venaria, Venaria Reale (TO) (I) (30 May – 2 June)
The after joya effect, Popeye Loves Olive gallery, (Atene) (Grecia) (17-30 June )
Premio per il gioiello contemporaneo Fondazione Cominelli, Cisano di S.Felice d/B (Brescia) (I) (31 August – 5 October)
European Triennial of Contemporary Jewellery, a cura di WCC-BF, Mons (B) (25 October – 28 December)
Creativity contest, Creativity oggetti, Torino (I) (3 October)

Permanent, Lille, Alliage gallery, (F) (15 Gennuary-15 December)
Gioielli in fermento, curated by Eliana Negroni, Ziano Piacentino (PC) (I), (3-20 May)
Premio Internazionale Mario Pinton (Mario Pinton International Award) – 2nd Edition. Omaggio a Donatello (Homage to Donatello), curated by Mirella Cisotto, Oratorio di San Rocco, Padova (I) (8 May- 12 July)
Fatto a mano, curated by S. Maffini, Creativity Oggetti gallery, Torino (I) (14 May – 16 July)
Gioielli in tavola – food jewellery, curated by Alba Cappellieri, Livia Tenuta e Chiara Vecchi, Museo del Gioiello, Vicenza (I) (16 July – 30 August)
Dialoghi, curated by agc, Culture Institute, Tokyo (JP); Jewellery Museum, Kofu (JP) (19 – 28 September)
Giielli di gusto, curated by Mara Cappelletti, Anty Pansera, Maria Teresa Chirico, Maria Cannella, Palazzo Morando, Milano (I), (18 September – 8 December)
Divieto di caccia, curated by Susanna Maffini, Creativity objects, Torino (I) (4 October – 8 December)
Manualmente-pietra dura e gioiello, curated by A.Guicciardini, Villa Necchi Campiglio, Milano (I), (7-8 November)
The New Italian Design, Gwangju, South Korea – travelling exhibition of La Triennale di Milano (15 October – 13 November)
Macao International Design Show 2015 (area design and life), curated by Sarpi Bridge_Oriental Design Week, Macao, China (6–8 November)
IMV Italian Makers Village-fuori EXPO2015 Rassegna dellle Eccellenze curated by  Confartigianato Imprese, Milano (I) (30 April-4 May)
JOYA- contemporary jewellery, with Alliage gallery, Barcelona (E) (8 – 10 October)

Flilo Rosso Bijoux 2015_2016 IV biennale (Red thread jewels 2015_2016 IV biennial), curated by Isabella Bembo, Museo d’Arte Moderna “Ugo Carrà”, Muggia (TS) e Galletia Drat, Izola_Slovenia (11 December 2015 – 24 January 2016 and 13 May – 6 June)
Skin la superficie del gioiello (the surface of jewels), curated by Alba Cappellieri and Livia Tenuta, Museo del Gioiello, Vicenza (I)
(23 January – 6 June)
Fondazione Cominelli collezione permanente del gioiello contemporaneo (Permanent collection of contemporary jewellery) curated by Mirella Cisotto Nalon e Rosanna Padrini Dolcini, Oratorio di San Rocco, Padova, (3 March – 30 April)
XX1 Triennial Design Museum 9th edition: W women in Italian Design, curated by Silvana Annichiarico, La Triennale, Milano (I) (2 April 2016 – 19 February 2017)
Da-A. Una Collezione effimera, curated by D. Monarca, Incipit, Vicenza (I) (17 April)
Gioielli in fermento – 6th edition, curated by Eliana Negroni, Ziano Piacentino (PC) (I); Gioielli in fermento gallery, Laboratorio Formentini, Milano (9-17 September); Laboratorio Stefano Rossi, Padova (22-27 );The gallery at Reinstein Ross, New York (USA) (20 October – 27 November 2016); Sofa Expo, Chicago (USA) (3 – 6 November 2016).
(8-22 May)
The gallery at Reinstein Ross, New York (USA); Sofa Expo, Chicago (USA) (8-22 May)
Gioielli in fermento gallery, curated by E. Negroni, Laboratorio Formentini, Milano (9-17 September); Laboratorio Stefano Rossi, Padova (22-27 September); The gallery at Reinstein Ross, New York, (20 October – 27 November 2016); Sofa Expo, Chicago (3 – 6 November 2016).
Dialoghi Italia-Giappone, (Dialogues Italy-Japan) curated by agc, travelling exhibition: Museo di Storia Naturale del Mediterraneo, Livorno (4-11 June); Fondazione Cominelli, Cisano di San Felice del Benaco (BS) (25 June-24 July); Oratorio di San Rocco, Padova (23 September -5 November); Museo del Bijoux di Casalmaggiore (26 November-15 January) (I)
Gioielli alla moda / Jewellery à la Mode, curated by Alba Cappellieri, P.zzo Reale, Milano (I) (8-20 November)

Scatenata: la catena tra funzione e ornamento (UNCHAINED: the chain between function and ornament), curated by Alba Cappellieri, HOMI, Fiera di Milano, Rho (MI) (I) (27-30 January); Palazzo delle Stelline, Milano (I) (20 February-6 March)
Gioielli in fermento Master Collection 2017, curated by Eliana Negroni, Torre Fornello (Piacenza) (I) (7-17 May); Barcellona (E)(4-5 October)
Natura Pretiosa, curated by agc, Museo di Storia Naturale del Mediterraneo, Livorno, (I) (17 -25 June)
Timeless – il gioiello si mette in posa, curated by Susanna Maffini, Creativity oggetti, Torino (I) (23 September-14 October)
FiloRosso Bijoux, curated by Isabella Bembo, Trieste (I) (29 September-7 October)
Intercci preziosi -la catena tra funzione e ornamento, curated by Alba Cappellieri, Museo del Gioiello, Vicenza (I) (27 October-19 March)
Non è tutt’oro quel che luccica, curated by DcomeDesign, Galleria Fatto ad Arte, Milano (I) (8-25 November)

The Blooming Garden, Fieramilano/Rho, Milano (I) (26–29 January)
Gioielli in Fermento -Selection, curated by Eliana Negroni, Filatoio Rosso di Caraglio (CN) (I) (XVI century Weaving Museum) (16 June / 7 July)
The New Italian Design, conception and coordination by S.Annichiarico, curated by A.Branzi, Tianjin Art Museum, Tianjin (CINA) – travelling exhibition of La Triennale di Milano (14 July – 12 August)
Gioielli in Fermento -Un bel panorama, curated by Eliana Negroni, Putti Art Gallery, Riga, (Latvia) (7-21 September)
Gioielli in Fermento, curated by Eliana Negroni, Oratorio di S. Rocco, Padova (I) (22 September -11 November)
Gioielli in Fermento, curated by Eliana Negroni, Joya art jewellery and objects, Design Museum of Barcelona, Catalunya (E) (4-6 October)
HOMI– sperimenta, fieramilano/Rho, Milano (I) (26–29 January)
Donna Arte -un gioiello insieme (Woman Art – a jewel together), curated by Associazione Culturale Casa Pajello, Casa Pajello, Thiene (VI) (10 November-9 December)
Design section of the Vicenza Jewellery Museum, curated by Alba Cappellieri, Museo del Gioiello, Vicenza (14 December 2018-2020)
Snowing a little out the window, Art Putti Gallery, Riga (LV) (5 December 2018-5 February 2019)

Gioielli in Fermento, Bijoux en effervecence, curated by Eliana Negroni, Mazlo gallery, Paris (F) (16 February-30 March); Villa Braghieri, Piacenza (I) (12-18 May); Museo di Storia Naturale del Mediterraneo, Livorno (I) (4-10 June); Palazzo Farnese, Piacenza (16-17-23-24 November)
Donation Alliage, curated by Juan Riusech, Espace Solidor, Musée du bijou contemporain, Ville de Cagne-sur-Mer (F) (18 May-6 October)
Arm Candy-an exhibition of food as jewelry & body adornment, curated by Carolyn Tillie, ACCI gallery, Berkeley (25 June-16 July)
Contaminazioni (Contaminations), curated by Associazione Casa Pajello, Casa Pajello, Thiene (VI) (12-27 October)

Gioielli in fermento 2021, curated by Eliana Negroni, Historic Cellars in Palazzo Malvicini Fontana, Ziano Piacentino (Piacenza) (6-8 August)
Sono tazza di te!, curated by DcomeDesign, Casa Museo Boschi di Stefano, Milano (5-10 September)
A&D artigianato e design, curated by CNA Vicenza, Stamperia d’arte Busato, Vicenza (17 September-2 October)

Mineralia & Co.- Barbara Uderzo, personal exhibition, curated by Cristina Artese with a presentation of Paola Stroppiana, Gilda Contemporary art, Milano (9-21 December)
A&D Gold_ photos and works at the Jewelry Museum in Vicenza, curated by Elena Agosti, Museo del Gioiello di Vicenza, (23 June -28 August)
Collezione Permanente del Gioiello Contemporaneo della Fondazione Raffaella Cominelli, Palazzo Ex Monte di Pietà, San Felice del Benaco, (18-31 January); Leo Galleries, Monza (10 June – 2 July)
Sono tazza di te!, curated by DcomeDesign, YouNique-fine craft art& design, Villa Ciani-Palazzo Congressi, Lugano (CH) (26-27 March); Palazzo D’Avossa, Vietri sul mare (SA), (13 April-23 May)
Be Free / la libertà nel gioiello e nell’accessorio moda, curated by Homi e, Fiera Milano-Rho (MI), (11-15 March)
Gioielli in fermento-evolution and refinement 2022 -tenth Edition- curated by Eliana Negroni, Oratorio di San Rocco, Padova, (1 April-15 May)
Florence jewellery week-segni sul volto, curated by Lao, project of Carla Riccoboni, Istituto de’ Bardi, Florence, (28 April-1 May)
Un, deux…Blob pour rire! Jewelry by Barbara Uderzo artist, personal exhibition, curated by Cristina Gilda Artese, Gilda Contemporary art, Milano (7 July-10 September)
Gioielli in fermento-arte e vino 2022 – curated by Eliana Negroni, Assemblea Legislativa Regione Emilia Romagna, Bologna, (1 – 28 ottobre)
Heart-pulsazioni culturali, curated by Associazione heart, Vimercate (Mb) (19-27 novembre)
Mattonella al cucchiaio, curated by Manuela De Leonardis, F’art, L’Aquila (8 dicembre 2022 – 5 Gennaio 2023)
FermentoChristmas – curated by Eliana Negroni, Archivio Negroni, Milano (12 – 22 Dicembre)
Argentum di Maddalena Rocco e Barbara Uderzo, curated by Cristina Artese, Gilda Contemporary art, Milano (17 dicembre 2022 – 20 Gennaio 2023)
Spiritualità contemporanea, curated by Lia Lenti, Palazzo Valentino Centro Comunale di Cultura, Valenza (AL) (16 dicembre 2022 – 18 Febbraio 2023)

Visionaries, curated by da Homi Fashion & Jewels in collaboration with Polidesign,  Rho Fiera Milano (17-20 February)

Pensieri Preziosi 18, Artists in dialogue, Contemporary jewelry: an always open confrontation, curate by Mirella Cisotto, Oratorio di San Rocco, Padua, (17 November-18 February)

The Joy of Colour, curated by Paola De Luca and The Futurist, Shenzhen Jewel Museum (CHINA), (March 10-May 10)

Visionaries / we love, curated by Homi e, Fiera Milano-Rho (MI), (15-18 September).

AMA.CI, nineteenth contemporary day- open day, Artist’s studio, Torri di Quartesolo (VI), (7 October).

OPEN FACTORY, 9th editiion, open day, Artist’s studio, Torri di Quartesolo (VI), (25 e 26 November)

Christmas sale – curated by Eliana Negroni, Archivio Negroni, Milano (7,13,14, 20, 21 December)