Cookie Notice – Detailed information on the use of cookies

Barbara Uderzo, the data controller of personal data on the website, informs that it uses cookies in order to render our services efficient and easy to use, thereby guaranteeing the right to  informed self-determination, according to articles 13 and 122 of the Legislative Decree no. 196/2003 (“Privacy Code”) and the provision of Data Protection Authority for the protection of personal data no. 229 of May 8, 2014; this detailed information only applies to the website , excluding other websites that the user might browse accessing one of the links on our website.

What are cookies?

When browsing our website a minimum amount of information is stored on the user’s device as small text files, called ”cookies”, that are saved in the user’s web browser directory; there are various types of cookies but the main purpose of a cookie is to make the website work more efficiently and enable certain features.

Cookies are mainly used to improve the user’s overall browsing experience.

The cookies on our website help the users to:

  • browse more efficiently;
  • measure the use of the services by the users, collecting aggregate data in order to optimize the browsing experience and the services;
  • memorize the user name and the products added to the shopping cart;
  • to allow the users to avoid having to type in several times the same piece of information (user name and password) during their visit.

While browsing cookies from different websites, the so-called ”third party cookies”, may be placed on the user’s device, configured directly by third parties and used in ways and for purposes defined by third parties.

Types of cookies

There are various types of internet cookies; the types of cookies that may be used on our site are reported below with a description of the purpose of their use.

Technical cookies

The cookies of this type are used to ensure the correct operation of some areas of the website; without these cookies our website could not be browsed correctly. The cookies in this category include both persistent cookies and session cookies. This type of cookies are used independently of the user’s preferences and are sent by our domain to the user’s device when visiting our website.

Analytical cookies

These cookies are used to collect information on the use of the website; we use this information for the following purposes:

  • statistic analyses;
  • improvement of the website, to simplify its use and optimize the services we offer;
  • monitoring the correct functioning of our website.

This type of cookies collects information anonymously on the activity of the users on the website and on the way in which the users reached our website and the browsed pages; the cookies of this type are sent by our website or by third party domains.

Third party cookies

They are used to collect information, anonymously, on the use of the website by visitors, the key words used to reach the website, the browsed pages and the origins of the traffic the users come from for campaigns, reports and improvement of the website. These cookies are sent by our website or by third party domains. Integration cookies are used to integrate third-party functions in our website, as for example the comment forms or the links to social networks, that allow the users to share the website content, excluding the sharing of information from the website they are embedded in. These cookies may be sent by our partner sites or, however, by sites that offer features existing on our website.

Profiling cookies

They are used to create user-related profiles and to send advertising messages based on the preferences expressed by the users while browsing. First-party profiling cookies are not used on the website

Cookies used on our website

Our website uses technical, first-party analytical, third-party analytical cookies with a reduction of the identification capacity and of third-party profiling. As for technical cookies, the data controller is not under the obligation to ask for the user’s consent for the installation of technical cookies, inasmuch as they are absolutely needed to make the website work correctly, while for the other types of cookies users may express their own consent on our website as provided for by the applicable regulations.

The consent may be expressed by means of specific configurations of the browser used to navigate and/or by simple user-friendly software programs; we would like to remind you that you can edit your cookie-related preferences at any time; you can also disable cookies at any time from the browser, but this operation might prevent the user from using some parts of our website.

Enabling/disabling cookies from the browser

There are different ways to manage cookies and other traceability technologies; by changing the browser settings, you may allow or block cookies or decide to receive warning message before allowing cookies from the visited websites. We would like to remind you that by completely disabling the cookies in the browser, the user may not be able to use all the interactive features existing on the website

All the installed cookies may be eliminated by accessing the cookie folder of the browser used to navigate. Every browser has different settings management procedures. For specific instructions click on one of the links below.

Microsoft Windows Explorer

Google Chrome

Mozilla Firefox

Apple Safari

If the browser you use is not included in the list above, please select ”cookies” in the dedicated section of the guide to find out where the cookie folder is.

How to delete Flash cookies

Click on the link below to edit the Flash cookies-related settings.

Disabilitazione dei cookie Flash

Installed cookies

The cookies that may be present on our website are the following:

Tipo Nome cookie Descrizione Validità/Scadenza
tecnico wordpress_test_cookie cookie di sessione Ogni fine sessione
tecnico euCookie cookie di funzionalità 1 mese
Google Analycs _ga/_gat cookie di prestazione 2 anni/10 min.

The user’s preliminary consent is not required for the installation of these cookies.

The website also sets third-party cookies, profiling cookies as well, that are activated by clicking “ok” on the banner on home page; below are the third-party cookies and the related links by means of which the user can find further information and ask for the cookies to be disabled.

Google Analytics

Our website uses Google Analytics for statistical purposes. It is a service supplied by Google Inc., that collects aggregate statistical analyses with respect to the use of our website by using cookies that are subsequently stored in the user’s computer; please note that besides cookies, Google Inc. also uses a pixel tag ( The data collected by this function are at Google Inc.’s disposal, as indicated in the statement available on this page; The privacy policy of Google Inc., data controller of data related to the Google Analytics service, is available at this page As expressly indicated by the Data Protection Authority in the “Clarifications on the implementation of the cookies law” of June 5, 2015, point 2 (“Use of third-party analytical cookies”), given that our site uses analytical cookies, realized and made available by third parties,  only for statistical purposes, we decided to use the IP anonymization function provided by Google Inc., as indicated on this page and we accepted the Google Analytics Data Processing Amendment v20130906, made available by Google Analytics in accordance with Directive 95/46/EC, based on which Google Inc. commits to process data according to the requests of the Client – Owner of the website and not to share the data with additional services unless required by the owner, through the service settings; in this respect we inform you that the owner of our website did not connect Google Analytics to any additional service and  that no advertising option to share data with Google Inc. was enabled and for this reason the Google Analytics service, used by our website only for statistical purposes, does not require the user’s consent for the release of the specific cookies; on this page you may find the browser add-on to block Google Analytics.

Social Media Links and Widgets

The website contains links and/or widgets of social media (such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, …) that allow the users who are browsing on our website to interact, by clicking, directly with the social media platforms; these links refer to the user’s account on the specified social media, therefore are not an installation of third-party cookies. For information purposes please find below the pages where the users may read the privacy statement of the above-mentioned social media.


Twitter’s widget, that involves the installation of cookies, even profiling cookies (third-party profiling cookies) by Twitter Inc., is embedded in our website, but no information is shared by the website on which the widget is installed. Service-related information, as well as cookie-disabling ways, are available at the following page and

Final remarks

The owner of the website processes data using automated tools without disclosing or communicating data. The provision of data, except for the technical cookies strictly needed for normal browsing, is a choice of the user who decides to browse on our website after having read the short statement contained in the dedicated banner; the user may avoid the installation of the cookies by keeping the banner and refraining from navigating or from closing it by clicking on the ”OK” tab or through the dedicated functions available on the browser of the device used to navigate; any potential continuation of the navigation on the same web page is qualified as a positive action of the user and is equivalent to the consent to install cookies.

The user may delete/disable the cookies that are not absolutely necessary to navigation through the functionalities available with this detailed statement or directly from the browser. As for third-party cookies the user can use the functionalities indicated in this statement that refer to the privacy policy pages of third-party companies.

You can find useful information on the cookies set on your own device, as well as on how to disable them one by one, at the following page

Any person concerned may, at any time,  enforce their own rights provided for by article 7 of the Legislative Decree 196/2003, as indicated on the  privacy policy page on our website.

Withdrawal of cookie consent

You have the right to withdraw your consent to the use of cookies at any time.

All you have to do in order to withdraw your consent is click on the ”Withdrawal of cookie consent” button below.
