Precious weaves – The chain between function and ornament
By Alba Cappellieri
from 27 October 2017 to 25 March 2018 
Vicenza Jewelery Museum – Piazza dei Signori, Vicenza
The chain between function and decoration
curated by Alba Cappellieri
The exhibition celebrates the chain, an element that has always been very present in both ancient and contemporary jewels. Mechanical traction organ, the chain was the inspiration for the goldsmith’s panorama and expression of Italian manufacture and beauty.
On show a selection of precious chains part of the Venetian tradition as evidence of the conspicuous artisanal and industrial production of the districts of Bassano del Grappa and Vicenza. The sensitivity of the Venetian goldsmith’s panorama towards the manufacture of the chains is also attested by the catalog of the Vicenza Riunite Companies of the early twentieth century, which includes a wide selection and heterogeneous types of chains.
Alongside a classic and traditional production, the contemporary jewels of the main Italian goldsmiths and contemporary Italian designers are also exhibited.
An exhibition that declares how extraordinary jewels can come to life from a simple functional element, whose value is given by creativity, innovation and the value of tradition.
Download and read the complete Press Release.
© Barbara Uderzo, Collana Gilettina